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Mechanical properties and elastic constant of metals

Mechanical properties and elastic constant of metals


In mechanics, the mechanical properties and elastic constants of metals play a crucial role in determining how a structure or a mechanical component will behave under different loading conditions. These properties are used to predict the strength, stability, and deformation of a structure or component under different types of loads, such as tension, compression, bending, and torsion.

The mechanical properties of metals include strength, ductility, hardness, and toughness. Strength is the ability of a metal to withstand an applied load without breaking. Ductility is the ability of a metal to deform plastically before breaking. Hardness is the resistance of a metal to deformation, wear, and penetration. Toughness is the ability of a metal to absorb energy and resist breaking.

The elastic constants of metals are used to describe the material's response to applied loads. The most commonly used elastic constants include Young's modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus. Young's modulus is a measure of a material's stiffness and is used to calculate the deflection of a structure under an applied load. Shear modulus is a measure of a material's resistance to shearing and is used to calculate the deflection of a structure under a shear load. Bulk modulus is a measure of a material's resistance to changes in volume and is used to calculate the change in volume of a structure under an applied load.

Overall, understanding the mechanical properties and elastic constants of metals is essential for designing and selecting the appropriate material for a specific application in mechanical engineering. It helps in predicting the behavior of the structure or component under different loading conditions and environments, which is important for safety and reliability.


In mechanics, a load is defined as any external force or system of forces that is applied to a structure or mechanical component. This can include forces such as tension, compression, bending, torsion, shear, and impact. Loads can be static, where the force is applied and remains constant, or dynamic, where the force changes over time. Loads can also be classified as either dead loads, which are the permanent loads on a structure such as the weight of the structure and its contents, or live loads, which are temporary loads such as wind and snow loads, or moving loads like people, vehicles and machines. It's important to consider all types of loads that a structure or component may be subjected to during its life when designing it.


In mechanics, there are several types of loads that can be applied to a structure or mechanical component:

Tension: A load that stretches or pulls a material apart.

Compression: A load that squeezes or pushes a material together.

Bending: A load that causes a material to bend or flex.

Torsion: A load that causes a material to twist or rotate.

Shear: A load that causes a material to deform by sliding one layer over another.

Impact: A load that causes a sudden and intense force on a material, such as a collision or drop.

Static Loads: Loads that are applied and remain constant over time.

Dynamic Loads: Loads that change over time.

Dead Loads: Permanent loads on a structure such as the weight of the structure and its contents.

Live Loads: Temporary loads such as wind and snow loads, or moving loads like people, vehicles and machines.

Thermal loads: loads that are due to the temperature changes and heat.

Seismic loads: loads caused by the ground motion, earthquakes and vibrations.

It is important to consider all types of loads that a structure or component may be subjected to during its life when designing it.



In mechanics, when a load is applied to a member (such as a beam, column, or truss), it can cause a variety of effects. These effects can include:

Stress: The internal force per unit area within the member caused by the applied load.

Strain: The deformation or change in shape of the member caused by the applied load, often measured as a ratio of change in length to original length.

Deformation: The change in shape or size of the member caused by the applied load.

Buckling: A type of instability that can occur in a member when it is subjected to a compressive load, causing it to bend or collapse.

Fatigue: Damage caused to a member by repeated loading and unloading, leading to cracking and eventual failure.

Yielding: A point where the material of the member permanently deforms under stress and loses its elastic properties.

Fracture: The complete failure of a member due to the applied load.

Creep: The gradual deformation of a material under constant load over time.

Rotation: The degree of rotation caused by the applied load.

Deflection: The amount of deformation caused by the applied load, usually measured as the displacement of the member's center of gravity.

It is important to consider all of these effects when designing a structure or mechanical component to ensure it can withstand the loads it will be subjected to without failure or excessive deformation.


In mechanics, the concepts of elastic, plastic, and rigid body refer to how a material or object behaves under load.

Elastic: An elastic material or object is able to return to its original shape and size after the load is removed. In other words, it has the ability to withstand a load and return to its original shape and size once the load is removed. Examples of elastic materials include rubber and steel.

Plastic: A plastic material or object is able to withstand a load and maintain its new shape and size even after the load is removed. It means it doesn't return to its original shape and size once the load is removed. Examples of plastic materials include certain plastics and metals that have undergone plastic deformation.

Rigid body: A rigid body is an object that does not deform under load, meaning it maintains its shape and size. It can withstand forces without deforming. Examples of rigid bodies include solid metal bars and cubes.

It is important to note that in reality, most materials are not perfectly elastic or perfectly plastic, but rather exhibit a combination of elastic and plastic behavior, known as 'elasto-plastic' behavior.


In mechanics, a material is defined as the substance or substance mixture from which an object or structure is made. Materials can be classified based on their properties, such as their ability to withstand load and deformation.


Elastic material: An elastic material is able to return to its original shape and size after the load is removed. It means it can withstand a load and return to its original shape and size once the load is removed. Examples of elastic materials include rubber and steel.

Plastic material: A plastic material is able to withstand a load and maintain its new shape and size even after the load is removed. It means it doesn't return to its original shape and size once the load is removed. Examples of plastic materials include certain plastics and metals that have undergone plastic deformation.

Ductile material: A ductile material is one that can be stretched or bent without breaking. Examples of ductile materials include copper, gold, aluminum, and most metals.

Brittle material: A brittle material is one that breaks or cracks easily under load, with little or no plastic deformation. Examples of brittle materials include glass and ceramics.

It is important to note that these classifications are not mutually exclusive, and a material can exhibit both ductile and brittle behavior depending on its properties and the specific conditions under which it is loaded.


In mechanics, mechanical properties are the characteristics of a material that describe how it behaves under various types of loads and conditions. Some of the key mechanical properties include:

Strength: The ability of a material to withstand an applied load without failing. There are several types of strength, including tensile, compressive, shear, and torsional strength.

Elasticity: The ability of a material to return to its original shape and size after being deformed by an applied load.

Plasticity: The ability of a material to undergo permanent deformation and maintain its new shape after being loaded.

Ductility: The ability of a material to be stretched or bent without breaking.

Brittleness: The tendency of a material to break or crack easily under load, with little or no plastic deformation.

Malleability: The ability of a material to be shaped or formed by hammering or pressing without cracking or breaking.

Impact strength: The ability of a material to withstand a sudden shock or impact load without breaking.

Hardness: The ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, or penetration.

Fatigue: The ability of a material to withstand repeated loading and unloading without failure.

Creep: The gradual deformation of a material under constant load over time.

Stiffness: The ability of a material to resist deformation under an applied load.

These properties are dependent on the type of material, and can be measured by various test methodologies. Understanding these properties is important for designing structures, mechanical components, and other objects that must withstand various types of loads and conditions
